If there is an object that every crocheter has how to learn to do is crochet rugs. These favorites are present in many homes and professional environments such as offices and doctor’s offices.
If you are one of the people who like to do this kind of item, what do you think of getting out of your comfort zone? After all, it is necessary to know different models and from time to time to escape those most basic.
Thus, we bet that your work will have a great differential. If you are interested, know that we will help you with this mission.
Bet on crochet rugs with different formats
To make your crochet rugs more exclusive, bet on different formats is a great tip. In this case, your idea doesn’t even need to be very innovative. Note that in the suggestions below the rugs were created from the junction of different sizes of circles.

Note that the detail that made all the difference was the combination of colors in a very random way, without it being necessary to follow a specific order.
The proposal of the honeycombs rugs following was also to unite small pieces. However, in these cases, the colors needed to follow an order, besides the rugs also have a contour.

Use and abuse the child universe to create your crochet rugs
Another alternative that has no error, is to bet on crochet rugs for the baby’s room and little kids. Several ideas make use of stuffed animals, which do not help only in decoration. After all, they can also stimulate the perception of the little kids.
See that in one of the suggestions below, the rug with the face of a stuffed animal matches with the basket. Isn’t it cute?

In one of the following ideas, the elephant’s face is worked with different stitches and textures. Note that it is possible to compose the piece with details like the eyes and a little bow.

Rugs with cute textures
Since we are talking about textures, what to say of these pretty cute rugs? With different threads it is possible to create well cozy models. As you can see in the rectangular parts below, there are two combinations of colors by means of the stripes.

Hands on the needle: make a crochet rug in the template of the honeycomb
After checking these ideas of crochet rugs, we bet you want to play in the lines and needles. Therefore, we recommend you to make this rug in the template of honeycomb.

It matches different elements, such as flowers and geometric shapes. So It will certainly stay beautiful in your home. Therefore, do not waste more time and try to make this beautiful type of crochet rugs!